- To be treated with courtesy and respect for your privacy and dignity.
- To receive treatment on the basis of your clinical need.
- To be able to choose to have a relative or friend with you during consultations.
- To be told when an appointment is likely to be.
- To be told on arrival of any delays are occurring and to receive an explanation why.
- To know the names and professional status of all staff involved in your care.
- To receive an explanation and, where appropriate, an apology if things go wrong.
- To be able to complain if you are unhappy about the treatment you receive.
- To choose whether you see medical or other healthcare students.
- To be able to request a second opinion.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
As a patient you can expect…

As a patient you have a responsibility…
- To treat the staff who care for you with courtesy and respect.
- To inform us if you change your address or telephone number.
- To consider the consequences of refusing treatment or not following medical advice.
- To attend appointments on time.
- To let us know if you cannot keep your appointment.
- To tell us if you have any allergies or sensitivities to medications.
- To treat other patients with courtesy and respect.